
The Wedding of Kelli and Nick

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
May 9, 2008

Kelli Pousson and Nick Sommer were married on Friday night May 9th in Austin, TX at the Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center. It was a beautiful southern affair with ivory and lavender hemstitch linens, beautiful succulents laid in stones and sage and purple floral with bright reds and yellows for the head table. After the ceremony, the Friday night excitement was in the air as champagne and "Tito’s Sweetos" drinks whet the pallet during a band-entertained cocktail hour. A sit down family-style dinner followed with delicious gourmet southern food. The evening was topped off with guests indulging in a simple, elegant chocolate cake topped with clear sugar sprinkles, cups of vanilla blue bell ice cream, and lots and lots of dancing.

Photos by Brooke Schwab Photography

Photos of Kelli and Nick's wedding were featured in Southern Weddings Magazine. http://www.swsmag.net/blog/2008/6/26/details-kelli-nick.html

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